If you’d like to write a guest post for Creating Plans, welcome!
• We only accept guest posts from people (not on behalf of businesses).
• Your post must adhere to one of the following topics – Study tips, Chartered Accountancy (India) course, Bullet Journaling, DIY (Do-It-Yourself) crafts, or related topics.
• Your post must be original. You will not be permitted to re-publish the post on your site (or on any other site).
• Good grammar and spelling is a must.
• You must be willing to allow the content to be re-used in any way we deem fit. We will have the right to publish, edit and reproduce your post in any format as we see fit (always attributed to you), as well as produce derivative works (not necessarily attributed to you).
• Send an application via e-mail (mentioned below) stating –
1. Your name
2. Introduction about yourself (what you do, etc.)
3. Topic selected
4. Three lined summary of the article
• Please submit the article as a Microsoft Word file.
• Length of the article does not matter; ensure that it is well written, concise and has a clear message.
• The headline should be highly engaging, “click worthy” and no longer than 65 characters (including spaces).
• Write using short words, short sentences and short paragraphs. Keep it simple!
• A personal and conversational writing style is preferable.
• The article should have sub headings, and/or block quotes, at intervals.
• Please do not use ALL CAPS, bold, italics (with noted exceptions) or underlining (except with links of course!).
• Please refrain from using foul language within the post or in the title.
• Please ensure there are no errors in punctuation, grammar and/or spelling before submitting.
• Publishing your article is subject to edit and approval from Creating Plans.
If you are interested in writing a guest article, please fill out this form.
Study Plan mentorship calls for Feb are open from 11th onwards. You can book your slot now! Dismiss